Real World research alignment

QUT is committed to providing high-quality digital learning experiences and opportunities that enhance the quality of student learning. Our quality standards for learning and teaching and student-centred approach means we always put the student first, no matter where or how they study.

AIRS has been offered in blended mode since 2012 with the aim of providing flexibility for how students engage with course materials.

Listening to the student voice and understanding the varied nature of our student cohort is paramount to providing appropriate learning resources, in face to face and blended modes. In doing so we are utilising technology to enhance the student learning experience whilst developing responsible research practices as outlined in the Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027.

The emphasis of this coursework that higher degree research students undertake is on developing transferable skills for a diverse, quickly changing and complicated employment terrain. Industry demands graduates who possess broad based transferable skills that can be utilised across a range of positions and sectors. The Review of Australia's Research Training System, 2016 [1] identified skills in data collection, design of research questions, information seeking and ethical conduct, as just some of the transferable skills required by graduates engaged in diverse career paths.

[1] McGagh, J, Marsh, H, Western, M, Thomas, P, Hastings, A, Mihailova, M, Wenham, M (2016) Review of Australia's Research Training System. Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies,