Projects and acknowledgements
IFN001 AIRS review and development of IFN006 2023
This work was managed by the Coordinator, Information Research Skills and completed by a Working Group and Reference Group.
- Project lead - Lyndelle Gunton
- Working group - Rosie Glynn, Kate Harbison, Gabrielle Hayes, Dr Sal Kleine, Emma Nelms, Craig O'Neil, Marvin van Prooijen, and Stephanie Villis.
- Reference group - Dr Levon Blue, Stephanie Bradbury, Professor Karen Dooley, Dr Keri Freeman, Rosie Glynn, Calum Henderson, Mark Hooper, Dr Murray Lane.
Development of new learning content for the unit was supported by:
- eMedia Production Services (eMPS) team
- Interviewees, including:
- Liaison Librarians, Catherine Haden, Michael Hawks, and Emma Nelms,
- Academics, Professor Karen Dooley, Dr Tatheer Zahra
- HDR students, Malgorzata Fituch, Tasha Kitano
Getting Published Videos 2021
This project was conceived in consultation with the Science and Engineering Faculty (SEF) following conversations about the benefits of already published Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students in the faculty sharing their experiences with those students who had not yet published. The end product, a set of eight videos, attempts to capture important aspects of getting published particularly in the discipline of SEF with some discussed experiences able to be extrapolated to other disciplines. The project team thought it important to represent the student voice as well as that of eminent QUT staff who are experienced authors, editors and peer reviewers. It was a great pleasure to work with the students and the academic staff who graciously gave of their time to take part in this publishing series. The professionalism and expertise of the videographers Matt, Tim and Tony saw the successful completion of this project.
- Project Lead - Jennifer Hall
- Learning and Team Unit team: Videographers - Matthew Dean, Tim Taylor and Tony Wee
- Library team - Meeka Moessner (Co-editor), Jennifer Hall (Co-editor) and Jamie Russell
- Our thanks to our interviewees
- Academic staff
- Distinguished Professor Peter Corke
- Professor Jennifer Firn
- Professor Guy Gable
- Professor Anthony O'Mullane
- Professor Ginny Barbour
- Associate Professor Gentry White
- Adjunct Professor Richard Clegg
- Katya Henry (University Copyright Officer)
- Students including those recently graduated
- Dr Sourav Garg
- Dr Supre Paleyanda
- Jan Philipp Menzel
- Dr Alireza Raghami
- Dr Babak Jeddi
- Guilherme Froes Silva
- Nicolas Mandel
Digital Enhancement of Assessment
This project sought to contemporise existing assessment processes which used tired software to one that developed and utilised a bespoke digital assessment system, by adopting the Criterion Referenced Assessment (CRA) into Blackboard.
Through digital redesign, there was simultaneous improvement of marking moderation processes and professional development for the teaching team of 21 staff. The impact of the change where students received rich, tailored feedback has empowered students to develop the confidence and best practice research skills to progress their research journey.
The CRA was also requested to be shared by another leading research-intensive Australian university resulting in wider application for a similar research teaching unit.
- Project Lead - Jenny Hall
- Project Assistants - Meeka Moessner/Jamie Russell
- Learning Designer - Debbie Leung
- Learning Designer -Paul Fenn
- Learning Technologist - Sean Andrews
Instructional video series 2020
- Project Lead - Jennifer Hall
- Editing assistant - Gabrielle Hayes
- Technical Team
- Digital Production support provided by LETS eMedia Production Services, Digital Business Solutions, QUT
- Library Staff taking part in the videos
- Jennifer Hall
- Kate Harbison
- Gabrielle Hayes
- Teresa Butland
- Joanna Logan
- Helen Batchelor
- Helen Davies
- Marvin van Prooijen
Watch the videos
AIRS Digital Enhancement 2020
This project aimed to capitalise on the potential that new and emerging digital technologies can bring to the student online experience. Examination of how students engaged with IFN001 in the first half of 2018 showed that 43% of students completed the unit purely online which is consistent with Waha & Davis study of QUT postgraduate students that showed a majority had a preference for online delivery (Waha & Davis, 2014). This preference is also indicated by growth in student engagement in this mode since the enhancement of the website in early 2016. That enhancement to the website came in response to feedback from students gathered from the university wide student surveys which indicated that the front page of the website required significant overhaul. The redevelopment resulted in clearer navigation and information of how students could engage with the unit but did not extend to consultation with a learning designer to examine the existing resources and curriculum. Hence, this project is the next stage in the development and redesign of a digitally enriched IFN001 curriculum.
- Project Leads - Jennifer Hall/Emma Nelms
- Project Assistant - Kylie Burgess
- Technical and Design Team
- Briony Wainman - Learning Designer
- Alex Anguix - Multimedia Developer
- Tony Wee - Multimedia Developer
- Matthew Dean - Videographer
- Tim Taylor - Videographer
- Craig O'Neil- Web Coordinator
- Library staff/specialists taking part in videos
- Jennifer Hall
- Katya Henry
- Narelle McCaffrey
- Ginny Barbour
- Paula Callan
- Philippa Frame
AIRS Website Enhancement 2016
Student feedback led to the creation a Welcome video by way of introducing students to the unit, its purpose as an underpinning set of skills for the HDR process. A learning map and visualisation at the front end of the website assisted the discovery of a smorgasbord of resources. There was development of a diagnostic tool attempting to provide a way for the student to a) what do I already know; and 2) how should I engage. Some of the existing content was rearranged for more logical presentation and access to content. An animated presentation was developed to outline the Resource Log assessment and its requirements
- Sponsors - Kim Lewin (Associate Director) and Judith Peacock (Learning & Study Support Manager).
- Project - Jennifer Hall
- Technical and design team - Emma Somogyi (Learning Designer and Project Lead), Craig O'Neil, Liam Moushall, Alex Anguix
- Welcome video production - Digital Production support provided by LETS eMedia Production Services, Digital Business Solutions, QUT (formally: eLearning Media Production and Support | Technology, Information and Learning Support | QUT)
AIRS Redevelopment 2012
I would like to acknowledge the following individuals their valuable contributions to the AIRS Redevelopment, Kate Devitt Project Manager, 2012
- Steering committee - Vicki McDonald, Martin Borchert, Judith Peacock
- Project team - Kate Devitt, Susan Gasson, Judith Peacock, Peter Fell, Alice Steiner, Stephanie Bradbury
- Curriculum development - Alice Steiner, Stephanie Bradbury, Judith Peacock, Kate Devitt, Kate Harbison, Emma Nelms, Jennifer Thomas, Paula Callan, Susan Gasson, Vicki McDonald, Martin Borchert, Peter Fell
- AIRS technical and design team - Matthew Kerwin, Craig O'Neil, Liam Moushall, Ella Chiu, Elleina Andrews, Sharon Johnstone, Mark Gregson, Caroline Gauld, Irena Koszarycz
- .mp3 production - Greg Winslett, David Loose, Kate Devitt, Alice Steiner, Stephanie Bradbury, Marco Fahmi, Siobhann McCafferty, Sarah Brown, Peter Fell, Paula Callan
- AIRS consultations - Jennifer Warburton, Annah Healy, Stephen Towers, Karen Nelson, Judy Stokker, Paul Burnett, Wendy Harper, Bergita Shannon, Emma Somogyi, Julian Kapitzke, Richard Evans
The AIRS 2012 Redevelopment has been a truly collaborative, innovative, energising and challenging project. I am incredibly grateful for the enthusiasm, support, advice, openness to new ideas, efficiency, adaptively, patience and dedication of everyone involved. AIRS is a testament to QUT Library's priority to invest in high quality, intuitive, openly accessible eLearning information and research skills resources for all.
Kate Devitt - Project Manager, AIRS Redevelopment, 2012
AIRS Online 2004
As Project Coordinator, I would like to personally thank all the staff involved for contributing the highest degree of professionalism, creativity and enthusiasm to the development of AIRS Online. The high quality of the final product is a tribute to the individual staff involved, and a true reflection of the significant role QUT Library undertakes in facilitating the achievement of QUT's learning, teaching and research goals and outcomes.
Judith Peacock - Information Literacy Coordinator
The AIRS Online course has been developed with the expert guidance and assistance of an extended team of highly dedicated and professional Library staff, including:
AIRS Online Development Team: Stages I-II (2002-2003)
- AIRS Librarian: Peter Fell
- Project Officer: Stephanie Bradbury (Liaison Librarian/Humanities and Human Services)
- Computing Systems Officer: Glen Cook
- Library Systems Officer: Kurt Vollmerhause
- Library Systems Officer: Ursula Then
- Library Systems Officer: Michelle Conkas
- Project Coordinator: Judith Peacock.
AIRS Online Development Team: Stage III (2004)
- Project Manager: Robyn Tweedale
- AIRS Librarian: Peter Fell
- Library Systems Officer: Michelle Conkas
- Library Systems Officer: Kurt Vollmerhause
- Computing Systems Officer: Julian Kapitzke
- Visual/Multimedia Designer: Tim Robinson
- Project Coordinator: Judith Peacock.
The Development Teams would like to acknowledge also the invaluable contribution of the following individuals and/or support teams, from across the University, to the development of AIRS Online:
- Web interface design: QUT Web Solutions
- Learning platform (OLT) integration: OLT Support Team/ QUT Teaching & Learning Support Services (TALSS)
- Instructional design (assessment technology): Meredith Godat (TALSS)
- Assessment consultation (design and criteria): Patricia Kelly (Lecturer, University of the Sunshine Coast and QUT/Faculty BEE)
- Video production: Educational TV unit/ TALSS
- AIRS Librarian (half-time): Graham Dawson (Liaison Librarian/ Engineering)
- Additional technical support and guidance: Library Systems Group, including Manager/ Sarah Fredline
- Staff release and replacement: Branch Managers and Reference Services Managers
QUT Library also particularly wishes to acknowledge:
- the contribution of the many QUT HRD students and librarians who participated in focus groups and/or usability testing, for their valuable time and thoughtful feedback
- Professor Rod Wissler (Deputy Vice-Chancellor/ Research and Commercialisation, & Director/ Research & Research Training), as well as Susan Gasson (Coordinator - Research Students Centre), the Research Degrees Committee and the QUT Office of Research & Research Training, for their ongoing guidance and support with governance and procedural matters relating to the development and management of AIRS:IFN001, including AIRS Online
- University of Washington, for their generous permission to use and adapt original source coding for a number of Flash visualisations used in the courseware. These activities [2.3.1; 3.10] are derived from content and design elements developed for Research 101 by UWill, University of Washington Libraries, copyright 2000-2003. They are used here by permission.
- University of Illinois Online for kind permission to adapt their Chat FAQs and Chat "tips & tricks".
List of papers and conference presentations
Hall, Jennifer (2020) Responding to COVID-19—Reflections on Teaching, from Reaction to Reinvention. International Information and Library Review, 52(4), pp. 311-317.
Hall, Jennifer (2017) Developing teaching best practice - pedagogy, preferences, and professional development. International Information and Library Review, 49(1), pp. 59-64.
Hall, Jenny, Quadrelli, Carol, & Sondergeld, Annette (2017) Higher degree research students at the centre of transformational practice: An evidence based approach. In Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) 2017, 28-30 June 2017, Sydney, N.S.W.
Hall, Jenny & Jaquet, Alison (2016) Enhancing learning for research higher degree students. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 10(4), pp. 1015-1022.
Peacock, Judith A., Tweedale, Robyn, Fell, Peter, & Vollmerhause, Kurt (2004) Bounding Borders, Building Bridges: partnering for quality outcomes in the online learning of information literacy. In Educause Australasia 2005: The Next Wave of Collaboration, 2005-04-05 - 2005-04-08.
Tweedale, Robyn, Fell, Peter, Conkas, Michelle, & Peacock, Judith A. (2004) Online Learning: The chicken or the egg? In Information Online 2005, 2005-02-01 - 2005-02-03.
Fell, Peter, Bradbury, Stephanie J., Vollmerhause, Kurt, & Peacock, Judith A. (2003) Pedagogy First, Technology Second: teaching & learning information literacy online. In QUT Online Learning & Teaching Conference 2003, 2003-11-05 - 2003-11-05.
Bruce, Christine S. (1991) Postgraduate response to an information retrieval credit course. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 22(2), pp. 103-110.
Bruce, Christine S. (1990) Information skills coursework for postgraduate students : investigation and response at the Queensland University of Technology. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 21(4), pp. 224-232.
Bruce, Christine S. (1990) Developing research skills : the information literacy connection. In 8th Australasian Tertiary Learning Skills and Language Conference, 1990-07-11 - 1990-07-13.
Bruce, C.S. & Brameld, G.H. (1990) Developing research skills for civil engineers: A library contribution. Higher Education Research & Development, 9(2), pp. 151-160.
Bruce, Christine S. & Brameld, Gerald H. (1990) Improving the quality of fourth year civil engineering research projects through bibliographic instruction. Research Strategies, 8(3), pp. 129-136.